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Xavier Winter

61 Supporters
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Today, I humbly ask for your continued support as we begin to reimagine what a Xavier education looks like for tomorrow’s generation of Musketeers.

A Year to Remember

As the year winds down and we look ahead to 2022, I hope you are able to find a quiet moment amid holiday shopping and travel to reflect on all that has transpired over this past calendar year. This certainly has been a year to remember. I feel blessed to have spent most of this past year in Cincinnati as a member of this wonderful community. I sense a genuine pride of place here that seems to encourage each of us to make this community a little bit stronger in our own ways.

Of all our shared accomplishments last year, perhaps none was as significant to the long-term health of the University as the completion of our four-year campaign, Together. For Others. We were able to raise a record $258 million in support of Xavier’s endowment, our capital projects and our annual fund which directly supports the needs of our students. With the campaign completed, the logical next step is to ask, “What is next for Xavier”? As you can imagine, the answer to this question is multi-faceted and complex.

A Message from Colleen Hanycz, PhD.

Today, I humbly ask for your continued support as we begin to reimagine what a Xavier education looks like for tomorrow’s generation of Musketeers. Your donation to the University will ensure that we remain able to provide a high-quality education to our students in the Jesuit Catholic tradition that meets their intellectual, social and spiritual needs.

Thank you in advance for your contribution and thank you for remaining such an important part of our University. On behalf of my husband Peter, our family and all of us here at Xavier, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyous, prosperous new year.


Colleen M. Hanycz, PhD.

*If you do not see what you would like to donate to in our giving form, please type your designation of choice into the gift form's textbox labeled Other Designation. You may also visit Thank you!

Looking Ahead

The landscape of higher education is rapidly evolving due to the demographic, economic and technological changes we are experiencing as a nation. The world our students face upon graduating from Xavier looks different from the world their parents faced 20 years ago. Yet, despite the innovations of many, the structure of our educational delivery model remains largely as it was constructed during the Industrial Era. This is the great reckoning of our generation. How do we as a Jesuit Catholic university adapt our model to a world in which the needs of our students, their perceptions of higher education and the demands placed upon them are rapidly evolving? I assure you that this question is at the forefront of my mind.

With this great challenge set before us, Xavier will embark upon a strategic plan development process that will attempt to bring these issues to pass. We will gather input from our students, our faculty and staff, members of our Jesuit community, and our incredible alumni and community partners to develop a plan that will address these questions and help guide our University into the future.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

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